
The Decision Support planning report was created by Gloria Miller. It would have been impossible with the work of other analytics, java, and visualization experts.

In particular, the analysis was conducted using SAS®. The classification model was created using R. I rely on the javascript platform, d3js visualization library created by Michael Bostock, and previous visualizations modified but created by the following people/entities.

Topic Visualization Created By
Demographics Bullet chart Mike Bostock
Team Competencies Venn diagram Joe Schorn, Benn Frederickson
Outcomes Waterfall Waterfall chart Chuck Lam
ISO 21500 Subjects and Processes Sortable table Mingson Hu
Quality Criteria Rank Dynamic table Mark Woodall
Team Competency Parallel coordinates Jason Davies
Deliverable Classification Multiline graph David Gwyer
Organization Performance Bar with negative values Mike Bostock
Stakeholder Participation Voronoi rank chart Cale Tilford, Nadieh Bremer
Project Attributes, Team Structure Radar chart Micah Stubbs
Performance Model Path diagrams SAS®